Why is Lyme Disease so Unique? 6 Top Reasons

why is lyme disease so unique

Why is Lyme Disease so unique?  What makes it different from others? Here are the 6 top reasons.

Well?  Why IS Lyme Disease so unique?  It really is a lot different from almost all others.  Not even syphilis is as difficult to cure, even after someone has been sick for years.

Timing is everything.

It is VERY important to be diagnosed quickly if you are bitten by a Bb (Burrelia Burdorferi=Lyme) infected tick.  If you go on the correct antibiotics within the first couple of months, they will usually get rid of any Bb or co-infections. But these once these pathogens get a foothold, they are very difficult to eradicate.

why is lyme disease so unique

1. Lack of Routine Educational Updates

Unfortunately, very few doctors are what we call “Lyme Literate Doctors” or LLMDs.  They are simply not educated to recognize the early symptoms, and many of them will not even recognize the tell tale “bull’s eye”  or Erythema chronicum migrans  (EM) rash that a small percentage of infected people get in the earliest stages of the infection.
(This rash GUARANTEES without ANY further testing that the cause is Bb, and can be immediately and quickly treated with antibiotics and eradicated usually within three to six weeks.)
Other doctors that have a bit of knowledge of the disease are taught that unless the rash is present, the person does not have LD (Lyme Disease).  This is what is presently claimed on the Wikipedia website.  Wikipedia is using old information (2013), from a government source.  It is absolutely false, and it is my opinion that the truth is being deliberately suppressed and withheld from doctors.  The more this disease is studied by sound research, the lower the percentage goes for those LD infected patients who display the EM rash.
I still can’t explain why there is so much denial, but do know that it is not the fault of most doctors.  They are told the problem does not exist.  They are also told that the lab tests commonly used are cutting edge and accurate, while lab technicians say they are nearly worthless.

2. Range

Where Can You Get Infected?

In Canada, it is more likely to pick up Lyme Disease in southern Ontario and east than it is to get it here in Gibsons, BC, but it is possible to get it virtually anywhere that birds fly or pets move on vacation.  The BCCDC has posted warnings here since 2006, but the greatest occurrence of Lyme in Canada is in Ontario and east.
Something like 50% of the ticks collected in New York state up at the Canada-US border are infected, meaning they must be virtually the same in Canada in that area.  But in the last testing, 20% of the ticks found in Alberta carry the disease.  So surprised were those in charge of infectious diseases in Alberta that they ordered the testing redone.  It came back a second time at 20%.  Yet in British Columbia, they claim that less than 0.1% of ticks carry the disease, and they refuse to retest!
What this means is that doctors are not looking for Lyme Disease in BC.  Nor are they looking in many places across Canada, the USA and around the world, where they are told it doesn’t exist.  Yet any veterinarian that I talk to tells me that they are treating horses and dogs for confirmed Lyme Disease, all the time!
This is one of the real keys to the problem with Lyme Disease and one of the things that truly makes it unique.  It is a disease that exists, that CAN be caught almost anywhere, yet all the good science confirming that is ignored or denied.  Doctors who have done excellent, peer-reviewed research are finding themselves the target of smear campaigns to destroy their reputation when their research can’t be refuted.

3. The Burrelia Bacterium

Why is Lyme Disease so unique? The answer begins with the Burrelia bacterium. BBb (Burrelia burgdorferi or Lyme) is a very unique and intriguing spirochete.  It has no ordinary protein cell walls, but has a perimeter of fatty acids, then cilia that help it move, then another layer of fatty acids.  It is not understood how the cilia can propel it inside these layers.

It also is a spirochete, or spiral shaped, which, along with its unusual fatty acid, rather than protein “casing,” gives it the ability to move through the walls of blood vessels into surrounding tissue, organs, and even into the spinal column and eventually the brain.

Once in the tissue and organs, many of the spirochetes become indefinitely dormant, forming cysts.  This continues as long as the blood is loaded with active Bb.

4. Bureaucracy

But why is Lyme Disease so unique?

Why is Lyme Disease so unique?  Partly, because it’s a really unique pathogen with a tremendous defense system.  But a major answer to the question, “Why is Lyme Disease is so unique?” has to do with those in control of the medical community who will not back down.

The IDSA, or Infectious Diseases Society of America, based in Arlington, Virginia, declared that Lyme Disease exists only in a relatively small area of the United States and southern Ontario, is easily recognized, has very accurate blood tests, is very easy to treat, and does not become chronic.  All of those statements are false, having been proven false by very good science carried out by some very distinguished scientists.

There is no openly known reason for the denial of long term or chronic Lyme Disease by the IDSA.  However, in the face of an overwhelming body of scientific evidence that says they are wrong, it can only be surmised that their continued denial has something to do with pride and maybe a fear of being sued.

The fallout from their continued denial is a rapidly growing number of infected people all across Canada and the United States, as well as many other countries, who are not getting the treatment they need.

5. Therapeutic challenges

No matter what you might be told, antibiotics are the only defense against a Burrelia infection, as well as many of the potential coinfections. I have tried virtually every non-antibiotic, natural medicine out there, and only one combination ever did anything for any length of time (see below).

Once antibiotic therapy is begun, the active Bb in the blood stream are killed off.  If they are completely killed off, you begin to feel well, again.  The first thing you notice is a return of some of your energy.

Then, however, after the antibiotic therapy terminates, some of the cysts reactivate, reenter the blood stream, and the process begins again.  This is one of the reasons it takes so long to cure someone who has been sick for a while.  All the cysts must be eradicated to have a full cure.  As of this date, I know of no one who has been symptom free for more than a couple of years after being confirmed as having Lyme Disease that was not caught in the early stages.

Another recent discovery (within the last ten years) is that Burrelia forms a “biofilm.”  This is an incredibly intriguing shield that the bacteria form right in the blood vessels when attacked by antibodies or antibiotics.  The Bb bacteria form colonies, behaving almost like a single organism, on the sides of the blood vessels. They produce a film over these colonies that shields them from antibodies and antibiotics.

Certain antibiotics can penetrate the biofilm, but they are destroyed in the process.  This is why it is usually necessary to treat Lyme disease with multiple antibiotics if it is not caught in the first month or so.

6. Ineffective natural antibiotic treatments

I have also been on several natural antibiotic extracts that have been shown to attack both the cyst coatings and this biofilm.  These products are easier on the body than antibiotics. Unfortunately, they only kept the disease at bay for almost a year.  At that point, I had to go on three antibiotics in very high doses.

Note: It is imperative to go for regular liver tests when on antibiotic therapy like this. It’s also critical to take a very strong probiotic (not “over-the-counter.”  I buy a very specific brand online.)  If it is not refrigerated, don’t buy it.  Mine are shipped with a cooling pack.

I have done a LOT of research on this disease since 2008, so if you or anyone you know is suffering from this disease, or even a mysterious, multi-symptom chronic condition, visit LymeClinics.com, our sister site that lists clinics and links to advocacy sites that help find clinic presently treating Lyme disease.  It’s very likely that I have the information you need to at least get started in the right direction.

There is hope

I had to go on yet another heavy-duty antibiotic treatment after the treatment mentioned above.  It was by injection.  Again, I was on it for several months, until my health stopped improving.  At that point, I went off antibiotics, again, and just in time.  My liver test at that point showed just the very beginnings of damage.

That was more than two years ago, as of this writing.  Since then, I have continued battling pain and fatigue.  I’m still on a high dose of Gabapentin for pain, and take a lot of natural supplements, but I have not crashed like I did every time in the past when I went off antibiotics.

I still catch every cold or flu that comes along, it seems, but am able to weather them and keep on going.  I don’t know what SARS Coranvirus 2 might do to me, but there’s no point in worrying.  I am taking several different supplements known for their anti-inflammatory properties and plenty of vitamins.  We will see!

At this point, I am in pain and fighting fatigue, but the fatigue is nowhere near as bad as it once was, and I am able to be quite active again.  There is hope.

Final thoughts

Finally, pass this on to your own health care provider.  Doctors want to see people get well, but they are generally very under-educated on this disease.  Please share your experience and victories in the comments, below!

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