The Lyme Files

Disulfiram or Antabuse the Magic Bullet for Lyme Disease?

Disulfiram or Antabuse the Magic Bullet for Lyme Disease Persistor Cells?

Is Disulfiram or Antabuse, it’s brand name, the magic bullet for Lyme Disease?  Is there finally a way to destroy the persistor cells, the mechanisms that cause chronic Lyme Disease?

Dr. Marty Ross, MD, recently relocated in Seattle, WA, discusses the possibilities this offers. disulfiram or Antabuse joy

Unfortunately, as with many new treatments that we hear about, there is a tendency to think, “Wow, could disulfiram (or Antabuse) be the magic bullet for chronic Lyme disease?  Could I finally get well?”  And then we too easily set ourselves up for yet another round of profound disappointment.

I will share the link to Dr. Ross’ report in a moment.  First, I will share my experience with disulfiram.

My Doctor

I have a great doctor.  Many who have briefly tried him now have little good to say about him.  I mention this, because I want you to understand that they expected an instant and total cure.  In other words, they expected him to give them a “magic bullet.”  When that didn’t happen, they wrote him off and raced after then next promise of biological alchemy.

I have stayed with my doctor for years.  After about two years of feeling like I was living near death, he was able to confirm the disease and begin treatment that put me back on my feet.  Am I cured?  No.  I am still sick and tired and in pain.  But I am able to function at a much higher level than most people with chronic Lyme disease.

Furthermore, I have not had the bad experiences I have heard from a lot of people.  I’ve often heard people claim they have been cured.  They feel great.  Life is good.  People abandon their treatments that are not fully curing them and rush to get the same treatment as the person claiming to be cured.  Then, usually with in a year, and in every, single case, I hear that the “cured” person is sicker than ever, and in fact, much sicker than I am.

I have stuck with my doctor, who has consistently kept me going.  He runs a very busy clinic.  Just the same, he continues to study every new treatment that comes along.  We both know I am an ongoing study.  That’s the way it will have to be, until a full and complete cure is discovered, if indeed there is one.  We are all guinea pigs.  But the alternative is much worse.

Dr. Marty Ross

Dr. Ross has put a great deal of time into the study and treatment of Lyme disease.  He is a member of ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society).  He has had to suffer the abuse so many dedicated doctors treating chronic Lyme disease have suffered, of being labeled as “quacks.”  But he hasn’t given up.

The article and video following this post are of Dr. Ross discussing the possible benefits of disulfiram.  The question being asked is, is disulfiram (or Antabuse) the magic bullet for treating Lyme disease persistors?

My experience with disulfiram

As mentioned above, my doctor is constantly reading about new treatments.  Naturally, he heard about disulfiram fairly quickly.  Then we discussed the information available at the time, and I agreed to go on the treatment.

As Dr. Ross explains below, my treatment was gradually ramped up.  Disulfiram is not something to approach lightly and carelessly.  There are some pretty nasty possible side effects.

I did not experience any side effects, other than a bit of gas and intestinal discomfort.  I ran the full course without any trouble.  (My body tends to handle most medications very well.)

However, disulfiram was not a magic bullet for me.  In fact, there was no noticeable difference, at all.  My pain and fatigue levels remained just as high as they were when I started on the drug.  So no, disulfiram or Antabuse is not the magic bullet for Lyme disease, but it may have some real promise for a lot of people.

Follow the link to Dr. Marty Ross’ post and video.  The video is only about ten minutes long, and easy to follow.

Never ever quit!

Is Disulfiram (Antabuse) The Magic Bullet for Chronic Lyme Disease?  with Dr. Marty Ross MD

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