The Lyme Files

The Lyme Files : You are not alone. Together we can fight this monster, and we can win! Never, ever give
up. By a Lyme warrior for Lyme warriors.

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Does Trouser Cannon Work? Read this Trouser Cannon review and see what a user had to say.
Does Trouser Cannon Work? Read this Trouser Cannon review and see what a user had to say.

4 thoughts on “

  1. you give me hope Dave. I’ve been battling sickness for several years, I seem to get everything that goes around, and get hit harder than everyone else…now I have “another” sinus/lung infection from a cold…your story gives me hope..keep calm and carry on amigo..

    1. Wow, that’s hard stuff, Gord. It sure sounds like something has given your immune system a good hit. I’m glad if I have been an encouragement to you. I highly recommend you see Dr. Chan or his wife, who is also an ND. They are not run-of-the-mill by any stretch and have sure been a huge help to me.

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