Irish Girl Very Sick

irish girl

Irish Girl Very Sick – Irish medical profession says not

An Irish girl is very sick.  When I heard about the sudden onset of all the strange symptoms in a very active 8 year-old girl, my first thought was Lyme disease.

Ireland -an Irish Girl SickShe went from being a highly active girl who loved the outdoors to being virtually paralyzed within just a few days.  The full description of her symptoms and the onset of her malady fit the description of Lyme disease, perfectly.

Unfortunately, she lives in Ireland.  According to the medical profession there, you can’t get Lyme disease in Ireland.  Ergo, it can’t be Lyme disease.

Instead of including Lyme disease in the list of possible diseases she could have, they tested her for everything else under the sun.  Meanwhile, she got sicker and sicker, to the point where she could barely move her mouth.

When the doctors exhausted everything but Lyme disease, they declared that she had “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.”  It didn’t matter that there is no case in all the history of medical science of and 8 year-old girl going from super active and happy one day to barely able to move the next due to a sudden onset of full blown Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The doctors declared that she needed psychological and psychiatric treatment.

Her parents, of course, could not accept such a ridiculous diagnosis.  They know their own daughter, and they know it could not be.

The medical profession dug in their heels, and threatened to turn them in to child services if they said anything more about Lyme disease!  It still astonishes me that there are those in the medical profession, especially when you get to the specialist level, who will do ANYTHING but admit they are wrong, even when they know they are.

Thankfully, this family was able to bring their little girl to the US and find a Lyme literate doctor.  She is a very sick little girl, with Borrelia, but also, as is so often the case, has several other very serious coinfections.

Thankfully, she is now getting treatment and is making very good progress.

Never give up!  Never back down!  In this modern world of science, so called, you sometimes have to fight for your life.  (Or the life of loved one.)

Dave Cottrell is a writer, translator, preacher and Lyme advocate.

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